Well Summer had her 4 month check up today. Last Tuesday I weighed her on the bathroom scale and she was 15 1/2 pounds, and in fact she was today at the hospital! I also measured her with a tape at home and figured she was 26 inches and she was! I am glad to know my measurements are the same as the hospital. Her weight and height are well above average, and her head circumference is also right on with all her other measurements. She is also not too fat, her chunky thighs are normal.
I had to fill out a 4 months evaluation, and Summer seems to be doing exactly what she should. She could be rolling more, but I wonder if she isn't because we don't put her down enough. She has rolled from back to front, but rarely, so maybe I will work with her some more and let her lay on her own longer.
The doctor also said she needs to move to her crib soon and get out of the co-sleeper. I really don't even want to think about her going into her own room, upstairs, all alone. We have the baby monitor, and it works great, it has the monitor, but I love having her sleep at the end of our bed. I guess it has to be done, but I do not have to like it!
I asked about food and the doctor said to wait as long as I could, and agreed it was better to wait until 6 months because of the allergies and weight issues. I am glad the doctor agreed because it is hard to wait, I can't wait to give Summer food.
I also asked about shots, and all the concern over autism, and the doctor said there is no proof about vaccines being linked to autism, and even said there was something that recently happened in the courts that proved there wasn't, so I felt better about getting her shots, until she got them...
I really tried not to cry, I told myself I could do it, shots are necessary and do not really hurt, but as soon as I heard my baby cry (I had my face up to hers telling her to please not cry) I started crying myself. The three shots were so quick, but I couldn't see if they were done to know when I could comfort her because my eyes were blurry. She really calmed down quickly, and I stopped crying right after. Poor baby, that kills me.
Next appointment is in two months, hopefully I will be recovered by then.