Tuesday was a normal day ... we played a lot. We went for a walk and Summer laughed like crazy at mommy doing dance dance revolution. Summer loves that game, I need to get it on video, she puts her hands up and moves them around and makes noises like she is singing. She laughs like crazy when she watches my feet move. I held her for two songs, and she loved when I had to jump on two sides. I bought her two new books, one of them was 8 Crazy Monkeys, and she sat in my lap while I read it and smiled so big when I got to the "no more monkeys jumping on the bed" part. I read it in a higher voice and poked her while I was saying it.
Wednesday Summer was extra clingy, pretty sure she was teething. She wanted to be held but as soon as I would hold her she wanted down. She woke up several times during the night too (like 6-7) and we blamed it on teeth.
Thursday Summer was still clingy and biting everything, must be getting tooth #8. We went to a company BBQ and had fun, Summer was happy, played with a little girl at the party, actually tried to give her a kiss - which consists of a wide open mouth and tongue, but the little girl did not kiss her back. At the BBQ Summer ate strawberries, watermelon, blueberries, hummus, cantaloupe, pineapple, lost of yummy fruit. After we got home we went to play in her room and during playtime I noticed she had stacked 2 blocks (one on top of the other) ... that was new but maybe it was an accident, and she was trying to put the ball into the mouth of one of her toys, that was new too! She took about 4 steps by herself from daddy to me, she will be walking soon.
Friday has started out like a normal day. Summer slept in a little longer (6:30). She was in a clingy mood this morning while I was getting ready for work. She put something in her mouth off the bathroom floor and got mad when I dug it out. That kid puts everything in her mouth!
This is Summer on Wednesday, she started raising her arms and shaking them when she is happy or someone else does it to her, and when music comes on, it is so cute!