Today we bought New Year party items and took pictures of Summer, she is so darn cute, everyday she is cuter and cuter! She was in a good mood, and took great pictures. Summer is starting to scoot and can roll over from back to stomach if she wants, which isn't often, but we have seen her do it a few times this past week. She has also discovered her voice and is starting to scream and talk a lot more. We bought the first box of rice cereal today, and in less than two weeks we will begin solids. I can't wait to get fresh veggies and fruits and wait for the mess to begin, smelly diapers, food all over, the dogs are going to eat as well as the rest of us soon enough. Oh ya my find of the week, craigslist, a 9 piece baby bed set for $30 bucks. It came with the comforter, valance, blanket, two crib sheets, lamp, rug, pillow, and picture frame. It is called "sunshine" and matches the room nicely.
As I hid myself behind a tree, I was able to capture on camera the wild baby speaking to a computer ... ok it wasn't that amazing, but I thought it was a good catch, Summer gets into her babbling moods, but they are rare, and when she does, I really wonder what she is saying, and who she is saying it to. Was she telling Mr. Computer all about her day, or her new tooth, or about her bad dream the night before (when she woke up screaming and in tears), or was she telling him about the mashed potatoes she had, and the taste of pepsi on dad's finger? Maybe she was telling him about her wonderful parents who love her so much they tell her a thousand times a day, and kiss her all over her face. Whatever she said, the computer wasn't impressed, because he didn't say anything back.
So yesterday I was sitting on the bed, reading a magazine, and Summer was chewing on my hand like normal, I reached in and actually felt something very sharp, she has her first tooth! It is barely through the gums, but it is there, and I know we just felt the day before. Kris was on the computer and he came over and felt it. We tried to get a picture of it, hahaha that wasn't happening! My little baby has a tooth, which is great because I said I wanted to wait and start solid food once she had teeth, and I will be starting in about 2 1/2 weeks, perfect timing! What else, she still is not rolling and shows no interest in it. She is really starting to grab at our faces and then once she has your chin, for example, she puts her hand in a fist and about rips it off your face, it really hurts, I have to keep her nails short now for our sake, I can just imagine going to work with scratches all over my face. Just yesterday I saw her starting to lift her butt while on tummy time, so I guess she is getting ready to crawl. Here is video from last night's bath, it is kind of dark but it was still cute. She likes taking a bath as long as she isn't hungry, like she is right now, laying on the floor next to me getting pissed off, I guess I better go get her a bottle!
ok before I explain the walking, isn't it great being an adult? Kris and I went shopping yesterday for gifts, and after 3 hours and two stores we were done. When we got home, we decided we didn't want to wrap gifts that we picked out ourselves, and we didn't want to wait until Christmas Day to play with them, so we decided we would put them all under the tree, take a good picture, and go with that, so that is what we did last night. We ended up getting Summer some books, a bath seat, shrek dolls, 4 pairs of pants, and grandma got her a mobile walker. I put the walker together, and we put Summer in it and SHE MOVED. Not only did she move once, but she kept moving all over the house. We were shocked. We didn't think she was ready to use a walker, the directions said 15+ pounds, she is 17.5, but still, we can't believe she can actually move her feet and went forward.
Our joy was quickly turned into panic as we looked around the house at all of our plants, tables, shelves, dog food, dog water, electrical plugs ... what are we going to do with all of those things? We have at least 15 plants in one room, and some are really large. Kris suggested completely cleaning out one room (our sitting room) so Summer could move all around and not get into anything, but where would we move 2 couches, 2 tables, 15 plants, and all the other stuff. We will have to think about that more later. We also got a food processor for Christmas, which means we are almost ready to start feeding solids. We are so tempted to buy the rice cereal, but we keep waiting, we can do it, just a few more days, and Summer slept 9 hours last night (from 9:30 to 6:30), had her bottle, and went back to bed until 8:30, so I had a lot of good sleep this weekend. Life is great!
My first Christmas party was a success, the food was edible, the desserts were plentiful, the gift exchange game was fun and Summer did great. We took pictures with Santa, and I did some magic photo editing - I think the photo turned out awesome! I printed a 8x10 photo from Walgreen's and it now sits on the entertainment stand next to the holiday decorations. What else happened this week, Summer has been eating great, 6 (and sometimes more) ounces. We are trying not to feed her real food, it is so hard to wait. I have decided to feed her fresh veggies and fruits when she is 6 months, my friend has a food processor I can use. My hope is that by buying fresh veggies and fruits I will eat healthier as well. Which reminds me, I still need to buy a high chair, I should look on craigs list and find one, there were so many last time I looked. On Wednesday this past week, Summer and I went with some friends to Opportunity Village - the Magical Forest, and had a blast. We rode on the train that went around the park, and rode on the carousel, and I ate funnel cake. We also watched Becca dance (Summer's birthday buddy). Here is a photo of Becca and Summer on the train. Summer did great all night, she looked around at the lights and mostly ate her hand. She has also started, just this week, sticking out her tongue - all the time! I will be glad when this phase passes, it isn't very pleasant to look at and the drool continues regardless if the tongue is in or out. Still no teeth so who knows if she is close. Oh and Summer has really started sleeping all night, usually from 9 pm to 5 am, and she still goes back to sleep after she eats. This morning she slept until 8:40 am and it was so nice to sleep in. Well I should go and bake some cookies to take to work tomorrow, but I will probably play with photo editing instead ... more updates later.
Look at this cutie pie! Summer looks just like daddy in baby pictures and nothing like me. In fact she looks so much like him I have to wonder if she is really mine. Of course I seem to remember carrying a baby for 9 months and having her cut out of me, so she better look like me when she gets older. From what I can tell now, she has her dads full plump lips, the boys are going to love her! Daddy doesn't like it when I say things like that, but I can't help bragging on her lovely lips, and blaming him. I hear she has my eyes, but her eyes are so large I don't see it at all. Her nose is cute and small, so I am not sure where her nose came from, oh and her eyelashes are long and gorgeous, a great asset to have being a girl. Her eye color this week is interesting, they appear to be hazel, blue/grey/green - which is a really pretty color, they may not turn brown, but it is still early so it is hard to tell. Her hair seems to be staying the same, light brown, almost blond, but it can still change too. I love little Kris, I mean baby Summer!
December is finally here and I guess I am ready. I have really been looking forward to the holidays. I have taken so many pictures of Summer in Christmas poses, you can check them out on my flickr ( there are way to many to post on here. On Friday some friends are coming over for my first ever holiday party. I am going to cook and bake cookies and we are going to play the white elephant exchange game (and I got some really awesome general gifts for around $10). I bought everything today at walmart and Santa was sitting in the baby section, I just had to get a picture. I got this picture with my cell phone. It wasn't the best picture but I think Summer did great, she sat there like a champ and just waited for me to take the picture. A walmart employee took pictures also, and they are printing them out for free but they weren't ready until 4:00 and we left at 11:00, no way I was going to wait for them. Summer has been doing great this week, I think she is going to roll very soon. I keep singing the "roll over" song. "There was 10 in the bed and the little one said, roll over, roll over, so they all rolled over and one fell out, 9 in the bed and the little one said ... " I also think she might have teeth soon as much as she is tounging her mouth and gums and eating her hands and everything she can get. She doesn't seem to be in any pain so I guess it might still be a while. I had cream of wheat for breakfast today and I gave Summer two bites. She seemed to do fine with the spoon, she wanted to put the whole thing in her mouth (so I bought some infant spoons at walmart today) and I think she ate it, but it was mostly all over her face. I am really disappointed in Killer and Lexi, they would not come clean it off of her face, stupid dogs. I had to get a washrag, and isn't it amazing, with just two small (very very very small) spoon fulls, actually I only had a touch on the end of the spoon, she managed to get it all over both hands, her face and bib. I guess I should get a high chair in the next month.