Thursday, August 20, 2009


We will be headed to the ocean tomorrow and this will be the first time Summer will be able to put her little feet in the sand, build sand castles, play in the ocean waves, taste the salty water, be constantly slathered in sun screen, asked to keep her hat on, wear swim suits and little swimmers all day, eat at new and exciting places, sleep in a strange place, skip naps - or not, be photographed on the beach with the sun setting, or this is the plan anyway and as most ideas are not exactly they way you plan them in your head I have high hopes for this trip. We are also going to meet up with some of our mommy friends and their babies, or I guess they really aren't babies anymore now are they?

To prepare for our trip tomorrow we started getting things ready this week. We had to clean off all the sand toys so we could take them to the beach. This required us to play with the water hose in the back yard to wash off all the old sand and leaves. Normally Summer does not like to get wet but on this day she happily helped wash everything, including herself. I even told her to wash off her face and she actually stuck the water hose up to her chin and let the water soak her off, it was fun to watch, I only hope she enjoys the ocean waves as much as the water hose!

Papa won't be coming with us on this trip but he did prepare Summer by getting her a new pair of shoes to wear, she needs to look super cool when we walk around and her new pink converse shoes are a winner!

She really likes them too, if you ask her about her new shoes she will gladly raise her leg in the air to make sure you can see them, she will tell you Papa got them for her and let you know they are pink!

So we will be gone this weekend, I won't have any updates until we get back, look for some cool beach pictures on Monday!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOVE those CONVERSE shoes! I want a pair!