Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Since having two cancerous moles removed from the back of my neck I take weird spots on my skin seriously, almost as serious as I take using sun screen protection. Sun screen does not kill you but cancer does, and will. I went to the dermatologist today because I had this spot on my forehead, that is not really visible, but it constantly flakes and hasn't healed in quite a few months. It turns out that it is damaged skin that needed to be treated, and watched. The doctor froze it with liquid nitrogen, which only stung and really not that bad. He also found two more "dry looking" spots on my arms that were also caused by sun damage that he froze for me. Now I have three nice red spots, one on my forehead (that really isn't that red) and one on each arm.

The dermatologist said I have type 1 skin, type 1 being the lightest most sensitive and the kind most likely to have issues. Besides the fact that I can remember several severe sunburns growing up I also used a tanning bed before I got married for at least several months. I wish I hadn't done that but at the time I wanted to be dark. Now I am happy with my "whiteness" and would never subject my skin, the largest organ on the body, to that kind of brutal damage! They make tanning lotions and they have spray on tans, there is just no need. You can get skin cancer from one single sun burn.

Did you know that most moles are simply the result of a harmless proliferation of the pigment cells within the deeper layer of the skin. A few of these moles, called congenital melanonaevi, are usually present at birth. But most develop spontaneously or are caused by exposure to sunlight and tend to appear on those areas of the skin that catch the most sunlight? I have a ton of moles, I am very moley, not something I like but it is who I am and I figure most of them were probably caused by the sun.

I make sure that Summer has on sunscreen whenever we are outside. She hasn't been burnt yet but she has gotten a little red and I felt so guilty. Luckily she doesn't have my skin but that doesn't mean she won't burn because she will if I am not careful.

Protect yourself and your skin, because I can testify to how painful and annoying it is to have moles removed.

1 comment:

Angie Fulk said...

I feel you Jes, I too am covered in moles, I always make sure that Zeke wears sunscreen, I have had about 6 moles removed all non cancerous thank god. Zeke has about3 or 4 moles already, and my girls have several moles also, I don't like my moles either, but what do you do, we were born that way...