Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Today we went to the doctor for Pepper's 2 week check up, she is actually 18 days old. She is still a little yellow but nothing to be concerned with, and her weight is up to 7 pounds, 1 1/4 ounces. She is almost back to her birth weight of 7 pounds, 3 ounces, so the doctor was happy. Plus she continues to nurse, yes can you believe it, I am still breastfeeding. I still have a little bit of pain but only when she first latches on, and it isn't nearly as bad as it was before. I am amazed I have stuck with it so long, and I have had to nurse around friends and in public, well at Summer's dance class - and it is working. Of course she nurses 24x7 if I let her, she uses the nipple to fall asleep so I am working on that, well actually I haven't done anything about it but I wish I knew of a way to make her happy without needing me to fall asleep - eventually, she is still so young.

Overall things are going good - I really have adjusted to having a very needy baby, I allow myself to watch tv in the afternoon now and not feel too guilty about not being able to play with Summer. Honestly I hate this age, so fragile, so delicate, I can't wait for 6 months but I am trying to enjoy her while I can, my last baby!

Here is a video I took yesterday while getting ready, it helps show how cute my little needy baby really is :o)

And because I know how much you miss seeing Summer, here is a video from today while we were nursing at the hospital, you know because we were there so long we had to stop and nurse, and since Pepper takes a good half hour to nurse ... anyway Summer doesn't really have a phone that works, she doesn't have text and to my knowledge doesn't know how to text if she had it, at least I hope.

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