Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Colorful Yogurt

I am a mom who is not afraid of a little mess, or a big mess.  I actually like messes, they make for interesting (and colorful) photos, would you not agree?  I saw something on pinterest about things for toddlers under 2 - one of them was finger yogurt painting using food coloring and I knew this was something Pepper should do.  Not only because I like a mess but because she likes yogurt and likes coloring, but she also likes to eat the crayon.  This was perfect, she could swirl around the colors and suck on her fingers!  If only she hadn't smacked the tray a few times ... oh well, who knows where those drops of colored yogurt might have went.  And yes, several of my fingers are colored but everything on Pepper amazingly wiped right off.  Bummer, no colorful mouth and face today.

1 comment:

Derico Photography said...

That's a really cute idea! I think we may have to try that :)