Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Dentist

Summer had her first ever dental appointment this past week. I made sure we spent time talking about all the fun things the dentist would be doing to her teeth before we went. She seemed fine with everything and had no issues. When we got there Summer happily sat in the big dental chair, put on the sunglasses to protect her eyes, let the dentist put the paper around her neck and waited while the cleaning devices were readied. She sat there so well I was a little bit amazed. The dentist cleaned her teeth, used the water and sucker thing, gave her some fluoride to spit, everything you would expect to happen at a dental visit. Summer sat still the entire time and kept her mouth nice and open. Overall it took maybe 15 minutes and Summer had no negative issues with any of it. We did, however, notice that Summer's jaw would pop closed after having it wide open. The dentist said maybe TMJ and to watch it. It popped bad too. Kris and I both looked it up online and since children don't really get TMJ and there is no real cure, we read that it could be from overworking her jaw. Summer has a tendency to clench her teeth when she gets excited and she had been chewing on giant gumballs for over two weeks, so we cut the gumballs and told her not to clench her teeth. I don't know if it is any better but Summer doesn't usually ever open her mouth that wide, so we will just keep an eye on it and see how it does.

While Summer was happily relaxing in her dental chair getting her teeth on, I took a few pictures, enjoy!

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