Sunday, November 14, 2010

Halloween - Recap

I know, Halloween is 14 days past but I never posted about our parties, silly me! I took some cute pictures of my little witch and I wanted to share those too.

Friday Night, October 29th, was the party at Rachel's house. Or maybe you know her as Carissa's mom ... either way her party. Summer dressed as her scary witch and I used an old costume and morphed into Raggedy Ann.

I didn't take many pictures at the party but these two, here is a picture of all the kids being scared by a monster while playing unsuspectingly in Carissa's room. Playing or destroying - yet to be determined really. Out of the 5 kids, 2 of them were scared into tears, somehow, to my surprise, Summer was not one of those kids.

In fact Summer was willing to hug the scary monster once we told her he was nice and she realized he was only pretend.

Saturday night was the party at the Springston's house. We dressed up as a lumberjack family and headed out. We ate, we played games, we ate, we ran into yet another monster! He was a twister master but apparently Summer is more than a master because she won that game.

On Sunday, October 31st, we finally got around to carving our pumpkins. Sorta, Kris and I got around to it while Summer stood back and held her nose. She wouldn't even put her hand in the scooped pumpkin to let me get a picture!

We went trick or treating around our neighborhood, which proved to be a success, her bucket filled up quickly, so fast we decided to go home early and then Summer gave out candy - which she truly enjoyed.

Backing up just a bit, earlier on the 31st we decided to do the family thing, get haircuts, or at least trims. This was the first time Summer had her hair cut and it was such a small amount you really can't even tell, but no doubt it was needed, those ends have been there since the beginning.

She did fine with the trim, she sat there and paid attention for the entire 5 minutes it took the lady to trim her hair. I even got a little paper with her hair taped in it for her baby book, yes I am still updating that baby book!

So there, better late than never!

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