Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Bouncy Halloween Pumpkin Place

Today a friend and I took our girls to the bouncy halloween pumpkin patch place.  I have no idea what it is really called, maybe something like pay outrageous prices to do a few cheesy things, but I can't remember, so anyway, the girls got to pet some animals, go down some slides, and jump in a bouncy house for a lot of money.  I also got a few pictures of the girls in front of pumpkins for free!

Pepper was not at all afraid of the goats, and they seemed very nice and friendly.

Summer had a blast going down the slide - and see up there in the far upper corner, that is Addy!

We even snuck Pepper in the bouncy house, there wasn't many people there anyway :o) and she had fun crawling all over.

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