Saturday, October 27, 2012

McKee Ranch

Just south of town is the McKee Ranch, a place we have visited for the last 5 years.  I guess it is tradition.  You pay $20 per family and you get to have lots of fun, feed the animals, pose for pictures, climb the huge hay tower, take a hay ride and for $5 you get a pony ride.  They had about 15 horses (or more) this year to feed.  Summer was scared at first, can you imagine that?   We had the girls pose for lots of pictures, chase chickens, watch bunnies hopping around, go down the slide, pick out a pumpkin that is still in the back of my trunk.  Anyway it is always a lot of fun, we spend about an hour walking around doing this and that and stopping here, there and there to take pictures.  Chances are we will do it again next year.

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