Wednesday, March 6, 2013


January 4

I emailed our real estate agents Joe and Linda Stewart and asked if it would be a good time to look at buying a new house.  They said yes so we put our house up for sale and started looking.  We looked at several, saw a few we liked, put an offer on one that ended up not working out.  After being on the market for 2 or 3 days someone made an offer on our house, then they ended up backing out.  We got pretty discouraged and decided we would just keep our house and rent it out and buy another.

January 29

I sent our realtors 4 possible houses, one being the house on Marsh Tern.

January 30

We went and looked at the house on Marsh Tern and LOVED IT.  We went back to the realtor's office and put in our offer.  They accepted our offer.

February 5

We had the inspection and appraisal completed at the new house.

February 8

The house appraised for $28,000 less than what the seller was asking.  We asked the seller to lower the price but did not expect it.

- They accepted the lower offer!!!

February 16

We had carpet guys come measure the new house so we could get a quote to replace the carpet.

February 18

We had painters come quote us on repainting the living area and kitchen cabinets.

February 19

We signed papers for our new house!

It took 20 days to get into our house from the time we saw it until we signed - WOW!

February 20

The painters started taping and preparing the house to paint.  My friends and I painted the girls rooms pinkle (purple/pink).

February 21

The painters painted.

February 22

The carpet guys started, the painters finished painting.

February 23

The carpet guys continued carpeting, the movers moved all of our stuff.  This is also the FIRST night we actually stayed in the house.

February 24

The carpet guys finished (the stairs were last).

March 6

I unpacked, cleaned, and organized my closet - the last thing left.  We are now completely moved in, mostly. We have to get someone to come get our fridge that we had moved from our house on Sparta  and take it back to that house because it is too deep - we have to have a counter depth fridge.  We ordered a new fridge and it should be here next week.

We are also in the process of submitting an agricultar thing to our home owners association to get solar panels put on the house so the pool will be nice and warm.

There are a million other little things we are still working on, like renting out our Sparta property (we just got renters today yay) and painting the fence around the pool, but we keep reminding ourselves that we have forever, or at least there is no reason to rush.

So far we love the house, we are settling into a nice routine.  I think we are all happy with our upgrade!

About to paint - see the old carpet color, very dark brown.

My friends and Summer painting Pepper's room "pinkle"

The Pool

Summer's Room - Pinkle

The before picture, the walls are now light/dark grey and the carpet is a lighter brown

The after shot of the dark brown to now grey wall

The kitchen before - so icky!  Yellow and Red?

My kitchen now ;o)

The moving truck that moved us, along with 4 guys, who started at 8:00 am and finished unloading at 6:30 pm.  The truck was completely full, they could not fit another thing.

Summer and her friend Amy desperately wanting to go swimming.

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