Thursday, May 26, 2011

Good Appointment, Mostly

Today I finally saw the doctor who will deliver this baby. He is a very nice guy :o) The appointment went as planned, the nurse checked my blood pressure, took my temperature and checked my weight. 112/76, pulse 100+ (which is normal for me), temperature was 99.6 (which is also normal for me), weight was 135.2 which means I have somehow gained 4 pounds. The nurse also listened to the baby's heartbeat, 150. It didn't take her very long to find it, in fact I wondered if she had found mine instead but mine doesn't normally go that high, normally. I then went to see the doctor in the next room. The first thing I noticed was the bright red HIGH RISK sticker on the outside of my chart. Whatever. Rewind a week or two ...
The high risk clinic off base requested additional blood work 2 weeks ago to check for blood issues. I never heard back from them and figured it was all good, well it wasn't and it is. The doctor today got those results and could not understand them. He could not understand because the blood work requested is so new that he had never heard of it. Apparently the results said I have some sort of genetic blood thing that could cause me to have blood clotting or something. The other doctor requested me to be on a blood thinner, a shot I would have to take myself in my stomach. This shot would make me bruise easy and have horrible hypochondriac issues, not to mention the wonderful side effects, like the chances for internal bleeding. My doctor today however said that this test is so new that the verdict is still out on whether the shots actually helps. He wants to look into it more, find out the sources and for now we both decided that shots were not in my best interest. Shew. Then he did another ultrasound just to check and see how things looked. The baby was still there, squiggling all around, the heart beat was 158 this time. He tried to see between the legs but this baby had its legs together. He said if he had to guess from what he could see he would guess a girl, so ... it still might probably be a girl. He will see me again in 4 weeks and until then I guess I just hang out and go back to the gym. He was all for the gym. Of course I would love for my morning sickness to completely leave first, any day now, I am in my second trimester you stupid morning sickness! Summer would say, Mom we don't say stupid but you know what, this sickness is STUPID! Ok honestly it seems like it is getting better, I can at least make dinner most nights, not always eat it, but that is ok too.
Lastly I had to pick up some medical records at the hospital for my other appointment tomorrow. Ya the appointment with the off base cardio guy. I went to the cardiologist on base to request my records, since I had the testing done there, and had a heck of a time getting them. I guess it was over 5 years ago, February/March 2006 since I had the test - but still. After waiting I had to go to the actual record area and wait again to get the ER records from my SVT attack. More on that tomorrow after I see the cardiology guy.
Now I am at home, I heard the baby today, saw the baby today, I do not have to take shots, I have my cardio records for tomorrow, I stopped by McDonald's and grabbed a breakfast burrito for $1.08, life at this moment is good. In about an hour a bunch of friends are coming over to eat with me and play with Summer.

1 comment:

Urban Earthworm said...

I am SOO glad you don't have to take those shots! They sound scary! Of course, I'm a skeptical of medicine (sometimes) kinda girl, but still.

Keeping my fingers crossed for the morning sickess!