Monday, January 26, 2009

18 Month Well Baby Check-Up

We had to go back today since she was sick last week.

I found out Summer should be on whole milk, because her brain needs the fat, so we have to switch her back over (we have been doing 2%) - the doctor said it had nothing to do with her body weight, which was 27.2 pounds (83%) and she is 34 inches tall (96%) and her head was 47.5 cm (75%) - her growing curve was right on track.

The office is doing a new reading thing, to encourage reading they give books away at every checkup so Summer has a new cute little book!

Summer passed the mental exam - no worries with anything developmentally.

We had to get shots - today was the MMR (which we delayed until now), the HepA, DTaP and the flu shot. We didn't have to get the flu shot but after going through croup I think I will get the flu shot every year - if it has a chance to prevent a lengthy illness that is good enough for me! Both Kris and I got the flu shot as well, it actually didn't hurt either, and that was my very first flu shot. I forgot to get my sticker :o( Summer cried for about 5 seconds, she was ok as soon as I picked her up. We had 2 nurses give 2 shots in each leg so I think that helped it go faster.

Summer doesn't have to return for a checkup until she is 2.

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