Wednesday, October 3, 2012

11 Months

Today Pepper is 11 months old, can you believe that!  She is 24 1/2 pounds, 31 inches tall and as happy as can be!  She drinks four bottles a day, around 7 oz each and eats 3 meals with us.  She is practically walking, taking 24 steps earlier today before resorting to a faster cruising crawl.  She says a few cute things like yum, yay, good job, or at least it sounds something like that.  She either takes 1 long nap or two naps a day.  She loves being outside and riding her four wheeler is her new favorite thing.  It is hard to get her picture these days because she doesn't like to stay still.  She adores her sister and loves doing whatever she is doing, including playing with whatever Summer has.  She still has 8 teeth but we suspect she is working on her molars.  Daddy taught her to bite him on the finger and she finds this really funny.  She hasn't been sleeping the best, she wakes up at random times and will not go back to sleep until I put her in the upstairs bed with me.  We tried letting her cry it out (for 15 minutes) but I guess I don't mind because I like sleeping and cuddling with her and it isn't every night, like last night she slept all night.  In one month we are having a Candyland birthday party for her, she has no idea - so I have a month to pull it off :o) wish me luck!~

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