Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Lost Tooth

Summer is super excited today because she just lost her first tooth!  Good thing too because the adult tooth was already in behind it, something called a "shark tooth." It is actually common (who knew), 1 in 10 kids can have this happen.  I emailed the dentist a picture of the big tooth a few weeks ago and asked if we should come in but they said we could wait and the baby tooth should fall out on its own and the adult tooth should move into its place.  Well it DID fall out on its own, sorta, with the help of daddy and some floss.  It was SO loose and was time.  I would have pulled it out if I could have gotten a grip on it, slippery little tooth, so now it is out.  Summer was pretty concerned about the blood, and at one point said her stomach hurt ;o) but she is fine now, happy, and ready for another one to get loose and come out.  She is so excited she wants to go to school and show all her friends.

Is the tooth fairy real?  Summer isn't sure what she thinks about all of that but she is determined to stay up and prove it.  I saw something cute on pinterest, but of course pinterest is down right now ... I think it is a tooth fairy receipt so I guess I need to go find it and print it out.  Money!  I was thinking $1, good enough right - let's just hope one of us has a $1 bill.

OH and yes, the lost tooth is going in a zip lock baggie in the baby book of course, along with all the rest when they come out :o)

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