Sunday, August 19, 2007

the Reflection

The pregnancy: My pregnancy was a challenge in the beginning, as soon as I found out I was pregnant, I became deathly ill. I ended up missing about a month of work, and for the first 20 weeks I lived on unisom and B6 to help me cope. For the last 20 weeks, I switched my unisom and B6 for tums! At around 15 weeks my morning sickness really went away, and I had a great time for the rest of the pregnancy up until I hit the final month, and they discovered my blood pressure was high, and the baby was breach. I started going to the hospital twice a week for monitoring in the end, and it was a pain. Towards the very end, the last weeks, I had trouble walking and breathing, it definitely was a lot harder to make it to work and get around. Now that it is over, and I have had Summer, I just might do it again some day.

The birth: I knew I would more than likely have a c-section because Summer was breach, and I was scheduled to go in on the 24th, they were first going to attempt to turn her again, and if they were successful, I would be induced, if not, I would have a c-section. On the 13th, my water naturally broke, so my c-section ended up being an emergency. I am actually glad it happened this way, I did not have time to worry about what was going to happen.

The recovery: I have to admit, having a c-section (even an emergency) was a lot easier than I thought, and probably a lot easier than a natural delivery. I had a spinal block (and it did not hurt) and I really did not have any pain afterwards. I was on percocet the next day, then switched to motrin, and that was all I needed. I delivered on a Friday, and on Monday I was walking around Target shopping with my mom. It took some time to recovery physically, near the end of the pregnancy I was so out of shape, that just walking short distances made me out of breath, but if I ever do it again, I will definitely not fear a c-section.

Your new body: I have lost all of my pregnancy weight, all 26 pounds. I have a nice scar across my lower abdomen, but my swim suit covers and it really doesn't look bad, it is healing nicely. I did not get stretch marks on my stomach, I did get them on my *** (uh I hope they go away) and I still have the nice brown line on my stomach, I hope that goes away too. My belly button looks a little funky now, but it may look better with time. I was able to put my belly ring back in with no problem. Overall I got lucky how my body handled the pregnancy and looks, my stomach is not as firm as it was, but with a little work, I can probably get it back into shape (if I find time!)

Your baby: I am so lucky, Summer is one of those easy going babies. I don't know why I got to be so lucky, but she never really cries, and I can put her down to sleep and she can be awake and eventually get herself to sleep. When she wakes up from a nap, she will give us a few yells to let us know she is hungry, and once she was in her swing and she must have had a bad dream because she just started crying, but otherwise, she is really great, and the whole experience has been a lot easier than my husband and I expected.

Regrets: Breast feeding did not work out for me, Summer was a "lazy" baby and all she wanted to do for the first 24 hours was sleep, so she didn't latch, I became frustrated and didn't think she was getting enough food, then I started pumping, but never got more than an ounce, so I gave into formula, I do feel bad, and wish it would have been easier, but once again, if I ever do this again, I will know more about what to do, and I will definitely try again.

The future: Right now I am going to go back to work in a week, daddy retired from the military and is going to stay home with Summer. We plan on staying in Vegas unless we have financial difficulties or the crime gets worse, if it does we will sell our house and make a lot of $$$ and move to a small town probably in Texas closer to family. I hope Summer has a wonderful life, she is so loved, she can grow up and do whatever she wants.

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