Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween Peanut Butter Reeces Cookies

Halloween Peanut Butter Reeces Cookies - I really don't know what these are called but they are delicious and I wanted to make them for a Halloween party tonight. There really isn't a lot of desserts that are easier than this one - not to mention how delicious they are, so I decided to spice this up a bit and give it a spooky feel. First you need two miniature cupcake pans and some miniature cupcake papers. I actually found little orange pumpkin papers to use - score!

Next you need to buy a package of peanut butter cookie mix from the baking isle in the grocery store. It will cost a few bucks if that and my package needed oil, water, and eggs. Make the cookies as directed. When they are all mixed, form the cookies into little balls and set in the papers inside the pans.

Don't even bother trying to get 48, I always end up being 2 short for some reason. After they are all balled and ready to go, open a bag of Reece's Peanut Butter cups. Here is the annoying part, you have to open each single reeces being careful to remove the foil and paper. Then you stick the reeces into the middle of the cookie ball in the baking pan like so.

It isn't really hard, it just takes some time. A lot of recipes online will tell you to wait and stick the chocolate in after you are done baking the cookies, but I don't know why you would want to wait.

Bake the cookies for about 7-8 minutes, do not bake them the time indicated on the cookie mix bag, they will burn and it will stink, not that I would know :o) Anyway I only baked mine for 7 minutes and they were perfect.

The chocolate will be hot and gooey, let them cool - or if you want them to be more spooky add fun Halloween sprinkles! I made a silly centerpiece out of the foil from the reeces and balled it together, then I covered with a black napkin, tied it together with parts from the reeces bag and glued on a paper lining hat!

Oh I almost forgot to mention, there are only about 38 reeces in a bag so make sure you buy two bags if you want to make 48, or 46, cookies.

Cool and enjoy, they are easy and very delicious but probably unhealthy. They are super rich so don't eat more than like 10 at one time.

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