Saturday, November 13, 2010

Apples & Eggplants & Bears - Oh My!

Another early start to our day resulted in a trip to the local orchard. I hate the word orchard, I can never say it correctly, but anyway, the orchard normally cost $3 to drive in, free to walk in. Since it was very chilly this morning we wanted to drive. They didn't charge us because they said the place was a mess - we didn't notice. We saw lots of vegetables still edible, and ended up picking out two nice size eggplants. I have a recipe from the mother in law that I will make in a few days, I need to find another.

We also wanted apples, green granny apples, and apple cider that they make fresh. I have never picked an apple off a tree until today and it was so much fun. The trees were full of apples ready to be picked. Summer found a nice smaller sized apple that she started munching. I tasted it and was surprised to find out how sweet it was, I figured it would be sour since it was so small, not at all.

Overall it was a great hour, we all got some fresh air, we got some fresh fruits and veggies and took a few pictures, what more can you ask for?

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