Friday, December 21, 2012

Splash Splash

Sometimes I look at her and I think, what happened to my baby girl, and then other times I think she is still just a baby.  She is such a good girl, such a smart girl, such a cutie pie.  

She has such a great attitude until she gets her little attitude.  She has such a fun and crazy personality but sometimes she can be so annoying.  She is generally a quiet child but sometimes makes my ears ring.  She is so outgoing and friendly, but often talks to strangers - forever.  She loves her sister so much yet hates when she pulls her hair, or wants her toys, or wants HER papa.  I still look at her and wonder how in the world she got here, how could she possible be my child.  If I hadn't seen her being born I would honestly wonder if she got switched at birth because it still blows my mind to think I made this little perfect thing.  She is so caring and sweet and good hearted.   

I have honestly enjoyed homeschooling her this year and having her here at home with me.  I sometimes wish I could send her to school but only so she could have fun playing with other kids and to show off how smart she is, or maybe help other kids who are not as smart.  She has learned so much, so easily, I wonder if she even needs me and yet she will always need me.  I love my little Summer, mistakenly named because she hates being hot, the heat, the sun.  I am looking forward to watching her grow into herself, become a girl, teenager, lady, maybe a mom.  

I just love her to pieces!

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