Friday, October 25, 2013

Pumpkin Guts

I am lucky my girls are so icky.  I mean, not icky themselves, but they don't mind getting icky.  I bought a small pumpkin with the intentions of making a pair of shorts.  I needed help cleaning it out (bleh) and enlisted the help from Sausage and Pepperoni.  They were up to the challenge and almost cleaned out the whole pumpkin by themselves.  Well, I had to help scrape the sides, thanks to my pampered chef ice cream scoop, it was actually a pretty easy job.

I think the shorts were a pretty cute idea, tho there is no way she could actually walk around in them because that pumpkin is heavy, her poor little shoulders could only bear the weight so long.  I suppose I could have gotten thicker suspenders but the pumpkin was also moist on the inside and probably felt gooey.  After trying to get the leg holes big enough (it took 4 tries) it took a sucker as a bribe for her to put in on the 4th time to take pictures.  Whatever works right?

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