Sunday, January 13, 2008

Her first 1/2 Birthday

Summer turned 6 months old today, we celebrated by singing Happy 1/2 a birthday to her ... Summer now weighs 19.5 pounds, and is 18 inches long. Her co-sleeper is only 21 inches long, so we have a dilemma soon. We don't want to put her in her crib because it is upstairs, we might bring her pack-n-play down, but where will we put it, it is a little larger than the co-sleeper. We also have to get a new car seat soon because hers caps out at 22 pounds. Summer goes for her 6 months appointment on Tuesday, which will include more shots /cry. Sometimes getting bigger hurts and causes things to change I guess. Where did my baby go?

Friday night we started rice cereal. The box said to eat it warm or cold, thick or thin and to mix it with water, formula or breast milk, so it basically didn't have any instructions at all. I guess Summer ate fine, she didn't seem to like it from the faces and coughing, but she continued to eat about 4-5 bites. We have fed her 4 times since and it just seems pointless, all her nutrients come from her bottle, so why bother with cereal? I guess this is how it all begins, I plan on steaming carrots on Tuesday and maybe she will like that better. Avacodos are on the menu next, or something else green, I need to get a list of good starter food.

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